No. Position Title (Parenthetical Title, if applicable) Plantilla Item No. Salary/ Job/ Pay Grade Monthly Salary Qualification Standards Place of Assignment
Education Training Experience Eligibility Competency         (if applicable)
1 Director IV (Anticipated Vacancy) N/A 28 145,427.00 Master's Degree or Certificate of Leadership/Management from the CSC 120 hours of supervisory/ management training 5 years supervisory/
management experience
None required N/A Office of the Director of Administrative and Finance Group, PS-DBM, Paco, Manila
2 Executive Assistant IV N/A 22 69,963.00 Bachelor's Degree 16 hours of training 3 years of experience None required N/A Office of the Executive Director, PS-DBM, Paco, Manila
3 Supervising Administrative Officer N/A 22 69,963.00 Bachelor's Degree relevant to the job 16 hours relevant 3 years relevant None required N/A Comptroller Division, PS-DBM, Paco, Manila