- Workshop Overview
The PS-PhilGEPS, being the central procuring agent of government for commonly-used supplies and equipment and acting as Procurement Agent for other requirements of government, is committed to improve its relationship with merchants through the conduct of a workshop and engagement activity.
Following the success of the first PS-PhilGEPS Workshop with Merchants with the theme “Sharing the Vision and Valuing Partnerships” held last October 2015, the PS-PhilGEPS will be holding its 2nd Annual Workshop with Merchants on August 26, 2016 to be held at The Bayleaf Intramuros in Manila with the theme “Promoting Transparency, Value for Money and Competition in PS-PhilGEPS Procurement”.
- Objectives
The specific objectives of the workshop are to:
Inform the merchants of the business opportunities at PS-PhilGEPS for CY 2017
Discuss updates in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9184 and in PS-PhilGEPS policies and procedures
Examine bidding performances and challenges and how to improve participation in tenders
Explore the possibility of aggregating new or other items for the whole of government
Gather feedback on how PS-PhilGEPS can further improve its service delivery
- Recap:
First Annual Workshop with Merchants You may check out last year’s PS-PhilGEPS Workshop with Merchants here.