




Operation of a government-wide procurement system.





Price monitoring of common use supplies, materials and equipment.





Identification of supplies, materials and such other items, including equipment and construction materials, which can be economically purchased through centralized procurement and which is within the scope of its activity.





Identification of the sources of supply which are able to offer the best prices, terms and other conditions for items procured by the government.





Continuous evaluation, development and enhancement of its procurement system, coverage and procedure.





Management and maintenance of the Government Electronic Procurement System or the PhilGEPS



Procurement Service is the trusted and preferred procurement partner of the public sector in the Philippines providing smart procurement solutions.



1. Procure quality government requirements efficiently and economically from reputable sources.

2. Provide excellent customer service responsive to the needs of its stakeholders.

3. Foster integrity and a fair, transparent, and competitive environment in procurement.

4. Develop its human capital as the country’s leading procurement and supply chain professionals.

5. Ensure stable, progressive, and sustainable operations.

6. Introduce and sustain smart and innovative products and procurement solutions.



• Operation of a government wide procurement service;

• Provide and maintain the availability of Common-Use Supplies and Equipment; and

• Operation of the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS).



2024 | 2023 | 2022 |2021 | 2020

Note: The Office Performance Accomplishment Report (OPAR) will serve as the equivalent document of the Organizational Outcome since the Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) is not under the Government Appropriations Act (GAA).

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