Prebid meeting PB No. 003-21 | Supply and Delivery of Multi- Purpose Vehicles for the Procurement Service
17 June 2021 |
Hits: 3935
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-046-2 | Supply and Delivery of Varous Back fold, Clips for the Procurement Service
27 March 2021 |
Hits: 2825
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-023-3 | Construction of Special and Technical Staff Building for Special Service Center (SCC) and Division Administrative Command Center (DACC) at Fort Bonifacio Taguig City
12 March 2021 |
Hits: 2528
Pre-bid Meeting under PB 21-029-2 | Supply and Delivery of Electric Fan, Wall Type and LED Linear Tube, 18 Watts for the Procurement Service
12 March 2021 |
Hits: 2227
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-027-2 | Supply and Delivery of Various Office Device for the Procurement Service
12 March 2021 |
Hits: 2050
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-021-1 | Supply and Delivery of Cleanser, Scouring Powder for the Procurement Service (PS)
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 2072
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-019-1 | Supply and Delivery of Pad Paper, Ruled for the Procurement Service (PS)
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 1915
Pre-bid Minutes under PB 21-026-2 | Supply and Delivery of Various It Products for the Procurement Service
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 1926
Pre-bid Meeting under PB 21-028-1 | Supply and Delivery of Alcohol, Ethyl, 1 Gallon for the Procurement Service
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 1958
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-020-1 | Supply and Delivery of Looseleaf Cover, Legal for the Procurement Service
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 1994
Pre-Bid Meeting under PB No. 21-025-2 | Supply and Delivery of Various Cleaning Equipment and Supplies for the Procurement Service (PS) (Framework Agreement)
10 March 2021 |
Hits: 1829
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-024-1| Supply and Delivery of Computer Continous Forms for the Procurement Service
09 March 2021 |
Hits: 1907
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-017-1 | Supply and Delivery of Folder, Fancy with Slide, Legal for the Procurement Service (PS)
26 February 2021 |
Hits: 1967
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-018-1 | Supply and Delivery of Envelope, Mailing for the Procurement Service
24 February 2021 |
Hits: 1920
Pre-bid Meeting under PB 21-013-2 | Supply and Delivery of Various Office Supplies for the Procurement Service (PS)
22 February 2021 |
Hits: 2011
Pre-bid Meeting under PB 21-014-1 | Supply and Delivery of Disinfectant Spray for the Procurement Service
19 February 2021 |
Hits: 1944
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-015-1 | Supply and Delivery of Detergent Bar for the Procurement Service (PS)
19 February 2021 |
Hits: 1944
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-012-2 | Supply and Delivery of Various Cleaning Equipment and Supplies for the Procurement Service (PS)
19 February 2021 |
Hits: 2020
Pre-bid Meeting under PB No. 21-001-10 | Supply and Delivery of School Furniture for Elementary and Secondary Schools Nationwide under the 10% Allocation for Cooperatives of Persons with Disability (PWD) for the Department of Education (DEPED)
15 February 2021 |
Hits: 1948
2nd Pre-bid Meeting under PB 21-008-6 | Procurement of Cloth Mask for the Department of Health (DOH)
15 February 2021 |
Hits: 2142