The PS-PhilGEPS has made it easier for government agencies to sign up and register in the Government Fares Agreement (GFA). The GFA is a partnership of PS-PhilGEPS with local air travel partners like Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific and Philippines Air Asia which have provided discounted fares for domestic and international flights. Presently, 233 government agencies are registered and using the GFA and savings has reached more than PHP 96 million for these agencies. Benefits under the GFA include 8-10% discount on regular fares, waived web admin, rebooking and rerouting fees.
Agencies now only need to fill out and submit a Registration Form to initiate their signing up for the GFA. The Registration Form identifies the Travel Administrators and Arrangers for the agency and specifies their initial deposit or their GFA fund. After submission of the Registration Form, agencies will receive an email with their log in credentials (username and password) and they can start enjoying the efficiencies and ease in using the GFA. To replenish their funds, agencies only need to submit the GFA Fund Replenishment Form.
The PS-PhilGEPS will no longer be requiring a Memorandum of Agreement with government agencies since the Government Procurement Policy Board has issued Resolution No. 11-2017 on “Confirming the Treatment of Airline Tickets as a Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) Item”. Similar to purchase of CSE items, a MOA will no longer be required for the GFA. The PS will only require the execution of a MOA for agency-to-agency procurement where PS is tapped as Procurement Agent by government agencies for their unique requirements.
The GFA Team will coordinate with all agencies with existing and on-process GFA MOA regarding the proper transition from MOA to Registration Form. The GFA Team may be reached via call at (02) 689-7750 or 561-6094, or email at gfa.helpdesk@ps-philgeps.
It will be our pleasure to welcome everyone on board the GFA!