In accordance with the issuance of Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 03-2020, approving the adoption of efficient, effective, and expedient procurement procedures during a state of public health emergency, the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) has updated the list of the Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) items in its Catalogue to include medical items in an effort to curb the increasing cases of COVID-19 in the country.
We are pleased to announce that COVID-19 Response Items are now available in PS-DBM.
Among such items that are now available are disposable head and shoe covers, surgical masks, gloves, thermoguns, toilet tissue paper, air freshener, alcohol, disinfectant spray, and insecticide. Kindly refer to the Catalogue under the “What We Sell” tab in our website.
For agencies transacting with PS Regional Depots:
- Coordinate with the assigned depot to determine the price of a certain COVID-19 Response Item. Depot-in-charge will advise on the estimated freight cost and estimated price change due to the fast-phased procurement of items. (prices are subject to change without prior notice).
- Prepare the Agency Procurement Request (APR) and indicate the items and quantity needed.
- Fill-out the Pre-order form on this link:
- Upload the APR and click submit.
- Agency will receive notification from that order has been recorded after submitting the form.
- Wait for the validation email from PS.
- Once validated by preferred PS Depot, agency will receive payment instructions and agency may pay thru the PS Main Cashier or thru any branch of the Land Bank of the Philippines via LDDAP-ADA.
- Agency will receive a notification from PS officer-in-charge when the items are ready for pick-up at preferred PS Depot.
Kindly note that we are presently accepting orders on a first come first served basis due to limited inventory of the Covid-19 Response Items.
In compliance with the Enhanced Community Quarantine, PS-DBM is implementing the 4-day Work Week Scheme (Monday-Thursday).
In this regard, pre-orders placed beyond said working days will be included in the emergency procurement on the following Monday.
PS-DBM and its Special Bids and Awards Committee are exerting best efforts to conduct procurement activities towards getting more stocks of the said items. PS-DBM will be adding more items to the Covid-19 Response Items category in its CSE list such as sanitizers, hand soaps, detergents, other cleaning materials, personal protective equipment, common medicines, and Covid-19 testing kits.
In the service of our client-agencies, PS-DBM has set-up temporary mobile numbers to address queries and concerns. Agencies may call below mobile numbers from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm from Mondays to Thursdays only:
For concerns of PS Main clients:
- Smart: 09610553419
- Globe: 09060221098
- Globe: 09060221082
For concerns of Regional Depot clients:
- Smart: 09610555320
However, only incoming calls will be entertained. Sending SMS is strongly discouraged. Agencies may also course their queries thru email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To reach out to a specific Regional Depot, please refer to the contact details provided in this link:
Thank you.