Procurement Service (PS) recently conducted fora for its partner merchants and client agencies on December 1 and 5, respectively. The said activity was intended to give updates on the changes in PS policies and procedures, PhilGEPS modernization, and other important information on government procurement.
DBM Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno was the keynote speaker for both activities.
During the forum with partner merchants, he emphasized the importance of the partnership with PS, and how it could be further enhanced. He also mentioned the continuous efforts of the PS, PhilGEPS and the GPPB-TSO, to make the procurement process more efficient and at par with international standards.Meanwhile, savings and efficiency through the PS was highlighted in his speech at the forum with client agencies.
In the forum for partner merchants, officials presented updates on the PS, PS’ expectations from bidders from price monitoring to contract implementation, as well as the line-up of common-use items to be procured in 2018 and the list of items and specification that will adopt green procurement. The GPPB-TSO was also invited to give a talk on the Ordering Agreement and Framework Agreement, and to further discuss Green Procurement.
Meanwhile, the topics discussed during the forum with client agencies include updates on finance and accounting policies, sales and retail store operations, among others.
PS will again hold another set of fora for 2018 to further gather feedback from its partner merchants and client agencies.
Related links:
Keynote speech for the Forum with Merchants:
Keynote address Forum with Client Agencies:
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