Officials of the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan, particularly from the Department of National Properties, Ministry of Finance, visited the Philippines on February 9 to 13, 2015 to conduct a study tour and learn more about the government procurement process, including its best practices. The study tour provided an opportunity for them to conduct research particularly on the procurement of goods and services, and how to realize government savings through cost effective and efficient procurement methods.
The delegation met with PS-PhilGEPS officials, and were welcomed by PS Executive Director Jose Tomas C. Syquia, and were presented with lectures and discussions on the procurement processes and services of PS such as procurement planning, annual procurement plan, procurement of commonly-used supplies and equipment (CSEs) and non-CSEs, inspection process, and warehousing, among others. Also included in their activities was the observation of a public bidding activity conducted by the Bids and Awards Committee and how inspection of common office supplies were being carried out prior to acceptance and payment.
Meanwhile, Executive Director Rosa Maria M. Clemente talked about the central online portal on public procurement, the PhilGEPS. The discussion revolved on the system’s features and functionalities which includes the E-Bidding and GOP-OMR, and an overview of the PhilGEPS modernization. A brief overview of the R.A. 9184 was also discussed by the GPPB-TSO.
The delegation also shared the best practices in their country and their learnings during their 5-day study tour. They met with DBM Undersecretary Richard E. Moya to make a courtesy call and exchange knowledge on how they could further propose suitable structures and processes in their own procurement system and vice-versa.