Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00541 | GSD-048-23 | Procurement of Meals for Training Course and Learning Sessions of PS-DBM
07 December 2023 |
Hits: 641
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00481 | GSD-019-23 | Procurement of Working Gloves and Reflectorized Vest for PS-DBM
29 November 2023 |
Hits: 666
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00511 | GSD-047-23 | Supply and Delivery of Round Neck T-Shirt for the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW for PS-DBM
29 November 2023 |
Hits: 638
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00483 | GSD-034-23 | Repair and Preventive Maintenance of Four (4) Units of Closed Vans for PS-DBM
28 November 2023 |
Hits: 615
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00458 | GSD-022-23 | Supply and Delivery of Android Television for PS-DBM
23 November 2023 |
Hits: 642
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00460 | GSD-021-23 | Procurement of Platform Cart (Trolley) for PS-DBM
22 November 2023 |
Hits: 631
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00471 | GSD-028-23 | Procurement of Various Medical Equipment for PS-DBM Clinic
21 November 2023 |
Hits: 643
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO23-00448 | Supply and Delivery of Van (General Purpose Utility Vehicle), Diesel, Engine Displacement not to exceed 2,800 cc | Lot No. 1
20 November 2023 |
Hits: 655
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. PO23-00447 | Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicles for Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) | Lot Nos. 1 and 2
20 November 2023 |
Hits: 623
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00457 | GSD-023-23 | Supply and Delivery of Office Furniture for the Procurement Service-Department of Budget and Management
17 November 2023 |
Hits: 597
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO23-00396 | One (1) Year License Subscription of Internet Access Gateway (IAG) Solution For The Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM)
24 October 2023 |
Hits: 697
NTP and PO No. 23-00385-NCSE | PB 21-004-6 | Supply, Delivery and Installation of Furniture and Fixtures for the New NBI Headquarters for the National Bureau of Investigation
23 October 2023 |
Hits: 1273
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00427 | GSD-036-23: Lease of Venue for the Conduct of PS-DBM Strategic Planning 2023 (15th Annual Depot Assessment)
23 October 2023 |
Hits: 651
Framework Agreement and Contract/Purchase Order | PB 23-002-10 | Supply and Delivery of Various Clip, Backfold for the Procurement Service | Item No. 2
17 October 2023 |
Hits: 703
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 023-00386 | Project Title | VARIOUS REPAIRS/IMPROVEMENTS OF PS-DBM BUTUAN BUILDING
16 October 2023 |
Hits: 621
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00418 | GSD-033-23: Procurement of Meals for Learning Sessions of PS-DBM
16 October 2023 |
Hits: 535
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00404 | GSD-015-23: Procurement of Anniversary Giveaways for PS-DBM
13 October 2023 |
Hits: 566
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00415 | GSD-026-23: Procurement of Catering Services for the 45th Founding Anniversary Celebration of PS-DBM
13 October 2023 |
Hits: 592
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00368 | GSD-006-23: Procurement of Safety Shoes for the Procurement Service - Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM)
10 October 2023 |
Hits: 583
Notice to Proceed (NTP) and Letter Order (LO) | PO No. 23-00361 | PAMP-072-23: SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CALL-OFF ORDER AND DELIVERY RECEIPT FORMS FOR PS-DBM | Lot No. 2
22 September 2023 |
Hits: 635