The Procurement Service – Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) is one with the nation in putting an end to violence against women (VAW).
This echoes and reinforces the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW — an annual observation held from November 25 to December 12, spearheaded by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW). Bannering the recurring theme, “UNITEd for a VAW–free Philippines,” the campaign bolsters a multi-year effort to uphold women’s and girls’ rights and fundamental freedoms.
While the Philippines remains as the most gender-equal country in Asia, VAW persists to be a global social dilemma. Various forms of physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse continue to violate women and girls from around the world.
Cognizant of this, PS-DBM, through its Gender and Development - Focal Point System (GAD-FPS), declares its solidarity with other government agencies and the citizenry by implementing policies and programs that raise awareness on the prevention of gender–based violence and on VAW–related laws in order to advocate for a collectively responsible workforce.
We at PS-DBM say NO to violence!