Please be informed that the PhilGEPS will be conducting a data clean-up in its registration database on 30 June 2017. The data clean-up aims to enhance the capacity of the PhilGEPS servers and improve the performance of the system.
All supplier accounts whose registration date fall on or before 31 December 2015 but have no login activity since 01 January 2016 up to 31 May 2017 will be removed from the registry effective 30 June 2017.The list of supplier accounts identified as having no activity for the said period can be viewed from this link ( A separate email notification will also be sent to the suppliers that are on the list.
If your organization is on the list and you wish to keep your registration in the system, kindly login your account at the PhilGEPS website ( from 01 June to 23 June 2017.
For further clarifications, you may call our Helpdesk at our new direct lines (02) 640-6906, 640-6907, 640-6908, or 640-6909, or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please be guided accordingly.