The Procurement Service – Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) celebrates the International Youth Day in a virtual meeting participated by select members of its youth workforce—which forms part of the agency’s Senior Citizen, Persons with Disability, and Youth (SCPWDY) Committee.
The meeting was also an opportune moment to discuss the planning of relevant activities and to elect six (6) official members—one from each Functional Group—to organize the conduct and implementation of such activities.
Cognizant of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human health and the environment, the PS-DBM Youth commits to spearhead activities and programs that would benefit not only its members but all employees.
In relation to this year’s theme, “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health,” the PS-DBM Youth hopes to be an instrumental channel of communication to disseminate information on deciding food choices in view of the on-going health crisis. Such an effort is also a worldwide goal which communities and nations can only achieve with significant contribution from the youth.
Presently, there are 170 members of the PS-DBM Youth, 30 and below, comprising 36% of the entire PS-DBM workforce including outsourced personnel.
As we celebrate this important commemoration, know that the PS-DBM acknowledges the skills, talents, and potential of its youth workforce in the fulfillment of the agency’s mandate.
Happy International Youth Day!