The Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) is continuously improving its technological capacity to ensure a seamless transition into digital procurement of Common-use Supplies and Equipment (CSE).

A series of webinars dubbed as the Virtual Client Connection (VCC), an information-driven client engagement activity spearheaded by the PS-DBM Marketing and Sales Division (MSD), is conducted to familiarize client-agencies with the platform’s functionalities and features through a hands-on training on the use of the Virtual Store (VS). The event also serves as an avenue to address the clientele’s usual issues and concerns.

The GPPB Resolution no. 20- 2018 is the basis of e-Wallet funding

The VS can be accessed by registered users from the comfort of their offices and even their own homes. Through the online payment system, known as the e-Wallet, registered users are also able pay for items with ease.

The PS-DBM highly encourages the use of VS in order to fully digitize its transactions especially with client-agencies in the National Capital Region. For those outside Metro Manila, the PS-DBM is already working on the operationality of the VS for utilization.

Ultimately, the goal of VCC is to eventually avoid—if not disallow—the manual submission of Agency Procurement Requests (APR). 

The use of VS is vital especially in the time of the new normal, underscoring that government procurement should be seamless, accessible, and environment-friendly while maintaining standard health protocols.


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